Getting started- your profile.
Add your location
Once you’ve signed up to Magic Beans, you’ll have access to a sample of content on the community newsfeed page for 48 hours, before you’ll be required to enter your location in your profile.
My profile
Here’s where you can access your profile once you’ve signed up and logged in to Magic Beans.
We won’t ask for your address- just your region and suburb. We need this so that we know what swaps and deals to show you on the community page. You’ll only be able to take part in activity on the app once you’ve added your location.
You can add your location by clicking on the prompt at the top of the community page, or by clicking into your profile from the menu (bottom of the screen on mobile and tablet, left-hand side on a computer).
While you’re in your profile, why not add a profile pic, a description that tells members a little about you and what your food-growing passions and interests are. You can also update the banner image to show off a picture of your garden or a harvest you’re proud of. Having a completed profile helps other members to feel more confident with who they’re interacting with. Others will be able to view your profile and comment on your posts and swap listings. No one can message you unless it is directly in response to a swap listing you have posted.
Once your location has been saved, you’ll see swaps near you and you’ll be able to:
Make offers on other people's swaps
List swaps
Post in the community
Comment on, like and report (if required) on posts and swap listings
View the deals page
Subscribe to our Garden Guide content
Dig in and enjoy!
Check out our articles on listing a swap and responding to a swap listing to help you get involved in the community.